Southbank Favela_
Southbank Centre_London
Led by Flour Studio the participants developed the ideas and built the artwork which represented a new type of community influenced by their exchange
Flour Studio developed and led the process in which the members of Morrinho engaged and collaborated with a group of young people from Lambeth. This engagement and new relationship formed the basis for the creative process that shaped the Southbank Favela installation at the Southbank Centre during Festival Brazil 2010.
Through a series of workshops and collaborations run by Flour Studio the participants developed new ideas and together created the artwork which represented a new type of community influenced by their exchange.
This relationship between the two groups formed the basis for the outdoor work on the Southbank Centre terrace which was seen by thousands of people over the summer 2010.
Southbank Centre
Projeto Morrinho
Stockwell Park Community Trust
This film has been made by a group of young adults that live in and around Stockwell Park Estate, south east London. The film was made as part of a collaboration with Project Morrinho in Rio de Janeiro, to prepare six artists from the project for their arrival in London.
The young adults worked with the Project Morrinho artists to create a new sculpture on the river terrace in front of Royal Festival Hall as part of Southbank Centre's Festival Brazil.
Directed and edited in collaboration with partucipantsand Fabiane Lee-Perrella from flourStudio by Fierce Productions. Translation by Guilherme Perdigao.